The bedrock solution for any industry is continuous learning and upskilling. We’ll keep you informed on who’s leading the charge.
Critical wisdom meets the operating system®. We leverage human-machine collaboration to help humans align their values and collectively shape how AI systems behave. We also facilitate AI literacy.
Our human-led approach aligns with ethical principles of transparency, justice and fairness, human responsibility for decisions, safety, security, privacy and data protection.
Neubot™ is designed to amplify authentic human intelligence and enable consensus via a collective intelligence (CI) facilitation system.
Neuzida was birthed from a deep interest in human capacity and capability. Our solution is critical due to the need to elevate human intelligence and public input in AI decision-making systems.
About Tutorial In this “AI Prompt Engineering” tutorial you will learn how to turbo …
Apply nowAbout Tutorial This tutorial belongs to the “Artificial Intelligence” series. In this …
Apply nowWe are excited to help others realize their cognitive potential and better participate in AI decision making. At neuzida, we believe that critical wisdom must meet the operating system via participatory design. We are here to bridge that gap. Join us on this exciting journey to co-create what lies ahead!
Atlanta, GA
New York, NY